Images Who We Are

Bringing Your Ideas and Innovations to Life

The journey of Midland Engineering and Contracting Company began with the individual endeavors of the partners, securing contracts from KWA, PWD, and other government departments for 24 years.

Recognizing the necessity for a revamped operational structure and management to accomplish their expansion objectives and handle larger-scale projects, Midland Engineering and Contracting Company was formally established in December 2013.

Midland Engineering and Contracting Company quickly garnered direct tenders from various government departments, securing large-sized projects from entities such as KSTP and KWA.

The company now plays a significant role in Public Work Departments and Irrigation Departments, positioning itself as a key player in the industry.

Our Partners

Managing Partner

Mr. Shahul Hameed V

Background: An A-class Government Contractor with over 24 years of experience in the field of work contract. Mr. Shahul Hameed has been actively engaged in the industry since 1996, initially commencing his work contract with BSNL. Over the years, he has undertaken projects with various departments including Kerala Water Authority, PWD, and numerous private and public undertakings.
Expertise: Mr. Shahul Hameed is renowned for his exemplary track record as an A-class Government Contractor. His expertise spans across project execution, management, and administration, ensuring the successful completion of projects across diverse sectors.


Mr. Siddique V

Background:As an Independent A-Class Government Contractor, Mr. Siddique V joined his brother Shahul Hameed’s business following his academic pursuits. With over 10 years of experience, he specializes in project planning and management,
Expertise: Mr. Siddique V's expertise lies in meticulous project planning and efficient management, contributing significantly to the seamless execution of contracts undertaken by Midland Engineering and Contracting Company. His dedication and proficiency add value to the firm's commitment to delivering

Our management skills and work experience





"ľo pioneer excellence in infrastíuctuíe development, Midland Engineering and Contracting Company is committed to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions. We stíive to exceed client expectations, contíibute to community growth, and uphold the highest standaíds of quality and integrity in all ourendeavors."
"Our vision is to be recognized as a premier government contracting firm, setting benchmarks in the construction industry across the State of Kerala and South India. We aspire to achieve this by consistently delivering projects of superiorquality, embíacing cutting- edge technology, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and establishing enduring partnerships with our clients and stakeholders."
Images Lets talk

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